02 Nov, 23

Introducing a new era of geology driven discrete fracture network (DFN) modelling for mining.

This Bowen Basin example has been created using DMX, a 3D modelling protocol featuring a mixed data-model driven approach for more realistic fracture distribution and interaction.

We are pleased to now be offering DFN modelling services, working in partnership with Dr. Janpieter Van Dijk – author of the DMX Protocol. Over the last 12 months we have been collaborating to bring these powerful DFN tools to mining, with several promising new developments also underway.

The advanced and unique algorithms in DMX improve on probabilistic DFN by honouring key geological relationships we observe in nature, making the models more reliable in their application to geomechanical, hydrogeological, and even mineralogical assessments.

Our exclusive DMX discrete fracture network services feature:

  • Use of your real data in the DFN (not just the statistics from it)
    • Fully 3D fracture interactions, truncations, and terminations
  • Solutions for complex geological & geomechanical dependencies
    • Folding, fault slip, lithological, stress ellipse
  • Advanced spatial modelling
    • Clusters, branching, corridors, fault zones, statistical conditioning
  • Sequential phases and events
    • Fracturing, erosional, deformational phasing

Shown here in Maptek Vulcan GeologyCore and fully compatible the latest generation of 3D stability assessment applications, including Rocscience RocSlope.

Book your trial today.