09 Jun, 23

Creating and splitting solids is a highly effective method of streamlining mining engineering processes at your project. The use of pit shells to create and edit solids by horizons enables the engineer to design, split, interrogate, reserve, export, schedule, and stage plan entire digs and dumps rapidly. The resulting product is a highly visual, modifiable, and accurate plan for communication to mining teams.

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Dig and dump solids can be updated promptly to surveyed topography for timely reporting and plan revisions as mining operations progress. This method ensures technical teams can optimize mining operations in time constrained environments.

Working in solids and constructing a 3D model of the mining area is a valuable tool for enhancing visualization of the pit and its respective waste and ore products. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the mining operation, including mining sequences, ramp/access points, road networks, haulage, circuit interactions and slope stability. For further information on the application of solids at your business, please contact us.

Written by:
Jonathon Bale
Mining Engineer, GMEK